You are the Hero! Enter Millennium, a world system for Pathfinder, and leave your day-to-day existence on Earth behind. Your soul has been chosen for the ultimate quest: to discover the Eight Great Treasures of Millennium. Wearing a gold medallion around your neck, you experience dimensional shifting and awaken on Time Island, deep in Discordia's Crater of Chaos. You are confronted by two intelligent races: Metamorphosis, who leads his enlightened Utopians against their mortal enemies, the evil Extractors, who owe their allegiance to Ex, the dark master. By defeating the Extractors, you will improve the chances of mankind's survival and tip the scales of justice, not only on Earth, but throughout all existence. Be strong and survive your trials. Greatness awaits you!
MILLENNIUM The foundation for all our Role Play Game products is the planet, Millennium, a world that encompasses an entire globe, not just one territory or a single kingdom. Millennium has touched the subconscious minds of humans ever since the Extractor meteor collided with Earth over 50,000 years ago.


Millennium, a world we’ve spent twenty-five years creating, is enhanced by our vision of the ideal Game Master support system, featuring top-quality Videos, poster-sized Grid Maps, and 24 in. x 32 in.” global Relief Maps..



Heroes From Earth comes in 8.5 x 11 color edition, Ebook, Flipbook, and PDF Download


HEROES FROM EARTH, a Pathfinder Compatibility Licensed Book, is our first of nine RPG books. The 128-page, full-color book comes complete with all the modular information the Game Master will need to run the adventure. We have also included Maps, Treasures, and a one-page Personality Questionnaire Booklet in the appendix section, as well as a Millennium Compendium.





This Millennium Adventures videos are marked into subsections that

allow the Game Master to reveal detailed views of the Players surroundings at key locations. Our video is an additional component of our Game Master support system. We offer high-quality Video in MP4 downloads.



The detailed relief and parchment maps of both the Upperworld and the Underworld depict more than 3,500 mythological names to compliment the land masses and oceans.

The HUGE Global Relief Maps allow the GM and players to see

and study the landscapes, cities, kingdoms and empires of Millennium.

Available in PDF download format.

Millennium Maps: 24 in. x 32 in. poster-size double-sided map of Millennium!

8 GRID MAPS Download

Another Game Master aid is our Grid Map system that allows the

Players to move their Miniatures through the main encounter areas

of Millennium. Seven grid maps are 24 in. x 32 in. poster size.

One Dungeon of Fire entrance map is 11 in. x 17 in.

Available in PDF download format.

Millennium Grid Maps: 24 in. x 32 in. poster-size grid maps of 6 areas!  Bodvar Thrud Grimnir Byelobog
 Corwin Viviana Tristan Chax
 Metamorphosis Cernunnos John Gavil Captain Gog

More 28mm Miniatures under production. To be displayed soon!


More stuff for our Game Master Support System

Player Questionnaire

Our Personality Evaluation booklet is a unique questionnaire allowing you to determine

your character based on your subconscious, when you and your character’s ID travel to the Millennium dimension. In other words, your questionnaire score determines the character that best suits you; that is, who you really are! This is optional, but really fun to do.

8 Map Folio

With our 8 Map Folio you receive eight 24 in.”x 32 in.” full-color map posters of Millennium enclosed in a folio cover. The Upperworld comes in four sections, and the Underworld comes in four sections. Each complete map covers a 21 1/2 square-foot area.

48 in. x 64 in. overall size

Triamulet Medallions

You can own the gold medallions worn by the PCs throughout the adventures!

Now available in three configurations: the Gold Triamulet (seen below),

the Crystal Triamulet (centered), and the Astral Triamulet, featuring an authenticated

fragment of meteorite from Canyon Diablo, the Extractor impact site on Earth.

Atlas of Millennium

The Atlas of Millennium is our 224-page, 8.5”in. x 11 in., full-color book features the cartography and vivid landscape illustrations of the Upperworld and the Underworld.

Hunter Wainright: The Way

In his deluxe edition, 8.5" x 11" adventure novel, Mel Wayne invites you to join Hunter and Metamorphosis, Sage of the Ages, on a quest for the Eight Great Treasures, a philosophical adventure into the world of Millennium, where intelligent life forms seek the highest truth—to discover who they truly are. Discover the Secrets of Time & Space, life and death, good and evil—the cure for the Extractor Virus.

Girl In Two Worlds

Girl In Two Worlds: Deluxe Edition, is Pamela Wayne's full-color, 208-page, 8.5" x 11" adventure novel, where seventeen-year-old Julia Wainright travels to Millennium on a

quest to awaken her twin brother Hunter from a coma he is trapped in on Earth.

Cliff Robbins, Kyle Jacobs, and Mel Wayne

thank you for visiting our

Millennium Adventures website!

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